新技术和新工具的研发是脑科学研究的重要方向,例如美国脑计划“BRAIN”的全称为“推进创新神经科学技术脑研究计划”(The Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies)。本课题组聚焦研发活体动物大脑神经元功能记录与刺激(三光子、双光子和相干拉曼显微成像,双光子光遗传学刺激)和透明化全脑结构成像(光片显微成像)。课题组拥有物理、工程和神经生物学方向的专家,开展多学科协同作战的技术和应用课题。
B. Li, C. Wu, M. Wang, K. Charan, and C. Xu, "An adaptive excitation source for high-speed multiphoton microscopy," Nature Methods 17, 163-166 (2020).
J. Yan, H. Yu, B. Li, A. Fan, J. Melkonian, X. Wang, T. Zhou, and J. Hua, "Cell autonomous and non-autonomous functions of plant intracellular immune receptors in stomatal defense and apoplastic defense," PLoS pathogens 15(2019).
B. Li, "Reduction of the illumination power for high-speed multiphoton microscopy," Springer Nature (2019).
Y. Qin*, B. Li*, F. Xia, Y. Xia, and C. Xu, "Multi-color background-free coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using a time-lens source," Optics Express 26, 34474-34483 (2018).
B. Li, M. Wang, K. Charan, M.-j. Li, and C. Xu, "Investigation of the long wavelength limit of soliton self-frequency shift in a silica fiber," Optics Express 26, 19637-19647 (2018).
F. Xia, C. Wu, D. Sinefeld, B. Li, Y. Qin, and C. Xu, "In vivo label-free confocal imaging of the deep mouse brain with long-wavelength illumination," Biomedical Optics Express 9, 6545-6555 (2018).
M. Wang, C. Wu, D. Sinefeld, B. Li, F. Xia, and C. Xu, "Comparing the effective attenuation lengths for long wavelength in vivo imaging of the mouse brain," Biomedical Optics Express 9, 3534-3543 (2018).
M. Li, S. Sun, B. Li, H. Asghari, Y. Deng, W. Li, and N. Zhu, "Time-bandwidth compression of microwave signals," Optics Express 26, 990-999 (2018).
K. Charan, B. Li, M. Wang, C. P. Lin, and C. Xu, "Fiber-based tunable repetition rate source for deep tissue two-photon fluorescence microscopy," Biomedical Optics Express 9, 2304-2311 (2018).
F. Xia, D. Sinefeld, B. Li, and C. Xu, "Two-photon Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor," Optics Letters 42, 1141-1144 (2017).
B. Li, K. Charan, K. Wang, T. Rojo, D. Sinefeld, and C. Xu, "Nonresonant background suppression for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using a multi-wavelength time-lens source," Optics Express 24, 26687-26695 (2016).
B. Li and J. Azaña, "Theory of Incoherent-Light Temporal Imaging Systems Based on a Temporal Pinhole," Journal of Lightwave Technology 34, 2758-2773 (2016).
B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, "High-contrast linear optical pulse compression using a temporal hologram," Optics Express 23, 6833-6845 (2015).
B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, "Implementation of the photonic time-stretch concept using an incoherent pulsed light source," Applied Optics 54, 2757-2761 (2015).
B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, "Incoherent-light temporal imaging based on a temporal pinspeck," IEEE Photonic Technology Letters 27, 348-351 (2015).
B. Li and J. Azana, "Temporal Imaging of Incoherent-Light Intensity Waveforms Based on a Gated Time-Lens System," IEEE Photonics Journal 7, 1-8 (2015).
B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, "Novel Temporal Zone Plate Designs with Improved Energy Efficiency and Noise Performance," Journal of Lightwave Technology 32, 4201-4207 (2014).
B. Li and J. Azaña, "Incoherent-light temporal imaging of Intensity Waveforms," Opt. Photon. News, 33 (2014).
B. Li and J. Azaña, "Incoherent-light temporal stretching of high-speed intensity waveforms," Optics Letters 39, 4243-4246 (2014).
B. Li and S. Lou, "Elimination of Aberrations Due to High-Order Terms in Systems Based on Linear Time Lenses," Journal of Lightwave Technology 31, 2200-2206 (2013).
B. Li, M. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, "Linear optical pulse compression based on temporal zone plates," Optics Express 21, 16814-16830 (2013).
B. Li, Z. W. Tan, and X. X. Zhang, "Simulation and analysis of time lens using cross phase modulation and four-wave mixing," Acta Phys. Sin. 61(2012).
B. Li, S. Q. Lou, Z. W. Tan, and W. Su, "Two kinds of optical pulse compression approaches based on cross phase modulation," Acta Phys. Sin. 61(2012).
B. Li and S. Lou, "Time-frequency conversion, temporal filtering, and temporal imaging using graded-index time lenses," Optics Letters 37, 3981-3983 (2012).
B. Li, Z. W. Tan, and X. X. Zhang, "Experiment and simulation of time lens using electro-optic phase modulation and cross phase modulation," Acta Phys. Sin. 60(2011).
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